RIPA History and Regulatory Milestones Part IApr 15, 2021Presenter’s
Slide Show
The PASSCODE for the recorded session is g3*T1CpQ .
RIPA IBC Compliance Webinar 2020Sept 17, 2020Presenter’s
Slide Show
This recorded Webinar (1 hr 50 mins) takes you through the complete regulatory landscape for composite IBCs used in the transport of hazardous materials (aka dangerous goods). Topics include reprocessing, testing, marking and recordkeeping, as well as recommended “best practices” that will enhance your compliance profile. A panel of six seasoned experts lend their experience to the proceedings. Don’t miss this valuable offering! The PASSWORD for the recorded session is g@3%t9Gz.

Also, see HERE the RIPA IBC Compliance Manual, revised and updated for 2020.