View studies and articles related to industrial packagings — their manufacture, use and reuse through reconditioning; also, packaging disposition and recycling after a safe and serviceable number of uses.
A 1990 study commissioned jointly by the Plastic Drum Institute (PDI) and The Society of the Plastics Industry (SPI) intended to demonstrate the suitability of a reconditioned plastic drum for further use, and the structural integrity of a plastic drum after first use and reconditioning. An additional objective was to determine the level of absorption certain materials would present into a high density polyethylene (HDPE) drum wall.
“The Real World Test Part 2: The Resin Reconditioning Study”
A 1993 study by PDI and SPI to determine levels of absorption for six common ladings, followed by analyses of the physical properties of the HDPE plastic following reconditioning of the drums and reclamation of the resin (which includes granulization).
“Life Cycle Assessment for Newly Manufactured and Reconditioned Industrial Packaging”
See HERE this report commissioned by RIPA in 2014-15, conducted by Ernst & Young, comparing “carbon footprints” (expressed as CO2 equivalents) for reconditioned vs. new packaging solutions.
Trouble viewing the PDF in your browser? You may need to right click the link , save the file (to your desktop or a particular folder), and then open. Certain browsers may be incompatible.
See HERE the RIPA “Green Packaging Calculator” which can calculate carbon footprints associated with the use of new vs. reconditioned industrial packagings.
NOTE: You may have to adjust your individual settings in Microsoft Excel to allow the Calculator to run. Here’s how:
Open the front page of the Calculator and click through this series of tabs: File –> Options –> Trust Center –> Macro Settings –> check Enable All Macros –> OK –> OK. Please contact RIPA with any questions or concerns.
“Life Cycle Inventory of Single-Trip and Multi-Trip Steel Drum Systems in the U.S., Europe and Japan“
A 1999 “life cycle inventory” (LCI) conducted for the International Confederation of Container Reconditioners (ICCR) – of which RIPA is a part. The LCI was conducted by Franklin Associates and quantifies overall energy needs, waste generation and emissions for 1000-drum control samples in both single-trip and multi-trip scenarios. The findings show significant savings in the multi-trip scenario.
September| 2020
“The New Geopolitics Energy” Wall Street Journal September 11, 2020
April | 2017
“Packaging Wraps Up Circular Economy” Lubes ‘N’ Greases Magazine; April 2017